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Engaged? Congratulations!

A Christian wedding is an act of worship in which the bride and the groom come together to celebrate a sacrament, to offer thanks and praise together with their family and friends, and to ask God’s blessing on their life together as husband and wife. Normally, weddings are celebrated in the parish of the bride or the groom.


  • Scheduling

    Weddings must be scheduled at least six months before the ceremony.

    The date will be confirmed on the parish calendar only after a priest speaks with the bride and groom, and determines the couple’s freedom to enter into the Sacrament of Marriage, and to check with the priest’s availability. For this reason, it is highly suggested that no commitments should be made with Caterers, DJ’s, Reception Halls, etc., until the date is first confirmed with the church.

    A Saturday wedding may be scheduled anytime between 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM. Please note. No weddings are scheduled during the church season of Lent, and neither on Sundays or Holy Days.

    Because the Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated at 3:00 PM in the church, all photo opts must be finished by then, and members of the wedding part and families gone from the church. This request is without exception and is to be made known to your photographer in advance.

    If there is a preference for a certain priest, be it a family member or a friend to preside at the liturgy, this choice should be made known at the time of the scheduling. The guest priest would also be expected to conduct the rehearsal. Please note, if the priest is not a member of the Diocese of Allentown, a letter from his Bishop or Superior stating that he is a priest in good standing with his Diocese / Community is needed. Without this documentation, the Diocese of Allentown cannot and will not recognize or allow him to officiate. Please make this known to the priest, and such documentation should be sent as soon as possible to St. John’s Parish Office.

    If a cancellation occurs, please call the parish office at 610.777.1697 as soon as possible so that the date may be made available for others.

  • Preparations

  • Celebration

  • Music

  • Ministers

  • Fees

  • Photography and Videography

  • Worship Environment and Floral Arrangements


On behalf of our Family of faith here at Saint John Baptist de La Salle, God’s blessings on the two of you and your families as you prepare for the beginning of the rest of your lives.